[ZopeSkel Issue Tracker] #66 - New issue: the "view" subcommand must change my MyCustomTypeView to MyCustomType
plone.org Administrator
2011-09-15 12:54:34 UTC
A new issue has been submitted to the **Issue tracker**
tracker by **Luca Fabbri** and awaits confirmation.

Issue Information

the "view" subcommand must change my MyCustomTypeView to MyCustomType (http://plone.org/products/zopeskel/issues/66)

**Issue Details**::

When using

paster addcontent view

The wizard ask me for a view name. Is a common error (only for
me?!) to specify a final "View" after the view name.

This will generate a lot of code like:


Maybe ZopeSkel can remove the final "View" if present.

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