New local command suggestion: add/set default view
Mikko Ohtamaa
2011-05-09 18:22:20 UTC

A very common use pattern is to set a default view for a custom
created content. It's not especially straightforward task as you need
to 1) create the view, register it against a content interface, in my
case this goes to views.py 2) poke types.xml in two places 3)
reinstall add-on

Would it make sense to create a zopskel.dexterity command doing this
for (excluding reinstall, of course, but would give a message about

... or does Dexterity hold another pattern to solve this?
Mikko Ohtamaa
mFabrik - Freedom Delivered.

Web and Mobile for Plone - http://webandmobile.mfabrik.com
Blog - http://blog.mfabrik.com
Mikko Ohtamaa
2011-05-16 06:28:44 UTC
This might have bounced earlier.. resending.

Mailman, I hate you.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mikko Ohtamaa <mikko-75aZqqp77KCaMPzRcYMCawC/***@public.gmane.org>
Date: Mon, May 9, 2011 at 9:22 PM
Subject: New local command suggestion: add/set default view
To: ZopeSkel-***@public.gmane.org


A very common use pattern is to set a default view for a custom
created content. It's not especially straightforward task as you need
to 1) create the view, register it against a content interface, in my
case this goes to views.py 2) poke types.xml in two places 3)
reinstall add-on

Would it make sense to create a zopskel.dexterity command doing this
for (excluding reinstall, of course, but would give a message about

... or does Dexterity hold another pattern to solve this?

Mikko Ohtamaa
mFabrik - Freedom Delivered.

Web and Mobile for Plone - http://webandmobile.mfabrik.com
Blog - http://blog.mfabrik.com
Mikko Ohtamaa
mFabrik - Freedom Delivered.

Web site - http://mfabrik.com
Mobile site - http://mfabrik.mobi
Blog - http://blog.mfabrik.com